Friday, November 9, 2007

Tag, I'm it!

I've been tagged...again

Ok, I have been meaning to put of pictures and I keep forgetting to bring the camera and cord to work with me, so it keeps not happening, but keep an eye out- we had Abby's birthday party on Tuesday and we made the AWESOMEST cake ever! I am still proud of that puppy!
Anyhow, my sister, Shelley, tagged me, so here it goes:

The Rules:

Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves

At the end of the post the player then tags six people and posts their names then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Have fun!

1. I have all of these hideous moles all over my body- seriously, even if I was as skinny as a supermodel, I still think I would wear shorts and good covering tank top to swim in- I just don't think everyone should see my ugly spots!

2. I hate when people don't signal!!!! I signal even if NO ONE else is around. Why can't people signal when people are around?-this one was Shelley's, but I completely agree with it!!!

3. I too LOVE Christmas music. There are TWO radio stations here who start right after Halloween and I have them on starting Nov 1- it has been strange this year, though, because it hasn't been cold enough yet, but I am hoping for cold soon to get me in the mood!

4. Back to the driving thing- the left lane is for PASSING people, not for cruising- if you aren't passing someone and you are in the left lane, then GET OVER!!!

5. I love TV- I have become a total TV junkie, I spend WAY more time than I should watching it and allowing my kids to watch it (they watch the educational stuff and I watch the dramas, but it is still there!)

6. I am a picker- I can't stand to see someone peeling-even a perfect stranger- from a sunburn and not pick at them (well, I have never picked at a perfect stranger, but I have to fight the urge)- I also love to be picked at- almost every night when Shawn and I are snuggling and watching TV, he will sit and pick at those tiny little zitlets that form on my back (don't cringe, I know you get them too).

Well, there are a lot of embarrassing things about me- I'm sure that all of you could think of more that I don't have listed, and frankly the car stuff isn't embarassing, they are just pet peeves that I had to list. I tag Melissa, Gigi, Amy, Kate, and you... whoever reads this and wants to join the fun! (If I didn't list you, it is because I am pretty sure I allready saw this type of thing on your blog allready!



Ruth said...

Hey girl! I didn't know you were such a driving stickler. I'm a picker too. Robert's learned to endure it, and Michelle's in training. Thanks for sharing your water diet with us. It sounds great and I'll let you know how it goes. Actually, with Halloween candy in the house and other daily stresses, I'm having a hard time layin off the sugar. But I do have little victories here and there.

Shelley said...

Thanks for doing it Christi! All things I knew and love :) It sounds just like me. Hey, we must be sisters.

Cazier Craziness said...

I love those tag things. They are a lot of fun. You get to know so much about people. Good Job. Oh and sorry, but I will comment on all of your posts. It's a sickness. If I don't comment, I have major anxiety.