Monday, August 11, 2008

Memory Game

I thought this would be fun! I hope you'll play along! Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me a long time or just a little while. Anything you remember!

2. Next,
re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It'll be funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave a memory I have about you. If you don't want to play on your blog or you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Christi said...

Ah... the joy of dating before the mission--didn't we quintuple date or something like that for dinner before a dance?... and realizing that we had each married those pre-mission boyfriends. haha..

Cazier Craziness said...

I think that trip was also my favorite memory. It was the time I got to know you best!! I always remember wanting Shawn to find someone fun and that could fit his "corky" personality!! I am glad it was you!!

Zoey said...

I loved the time during the summer that Alex and I were living in Utah and we came over to your place to have dinner and play games. That's when we learned Xactica! We both really enjoyed just getting to spend some 1-1 time with you and Shawn. =0) We also loved going to dinner and seeing Stardust with you, Shawn, Nick and Kristen. It's nice to get out once and a while just as the "kids" of the family. =0)

Becky said...

Let's see, I remember you and I pushing strollers as we walked around the mall on early winter mornings, I remember carving pumpkins with you guys one Halloween and yours was incredible and put ours to shame, and I remember fun little play dates where 2 sweet little boys were learning to play and share. ;)