Saturday, November 8, 2008

Field Trip to the Fire Station

He let them crawl into the big truck and see how they ride and get ready for a fire to fight.
He also sat them down and showed them how he dresses up for a fire...
How to crawl around when there is a fire- and where to go...
I thought it was great that he showed them what a firefighter would look like if they came into their house- so that they won't be scared of them.
Then he let them try on the outfit.

Here is Abby "driving" the oldest truck that they had there.Here she is driving the big cool one that the fire fighter pulled out and turned on the lights and the siren for the kids!
They all had a wonderful time and I am glad that I decided to go along as well- I may not have gotten as much work done, but I think that outings like this are both important and fun!


Unknown said...

Wow! It looks like they had so much fun! Abby is SO CUTE!

Cazier Craziness said...

How fun!! She looks adorable in the Turn Outs!