Sunday, July 11, 2010

I. Hate. Being. Pregnant!

I know, it sounds terrible to say it, but it is true! Pregnancy is 9 months of misery for me- I am sick for the first 15 or 16 weeks (I know, other people have it worse, other people have to be hospitalized and stuff, I am not that bad, but I am sure that if it weren't for a prescription from my Dr's office [I love working for my OB, it makes it so much easier to get drugs and stuff] I am sure I wouldn't even be functioning most days- and I can barely get the essentials done as it is...) Then I start to have the hip problems and back problems that pretty much last me the rest of the miserable time. This is why Abby is 5 and a half and we are finally deciding to have #3. The thing is, I honestly feel guilty- we have never had a hard time getting pregnant- seriously, every single time Shawn and I have said, "Let's do it"- there we go, we get it; and we haven't had any accidental pregnancies yet *knock on wood*. This especially makes me fell guilty because I know a lot of people who have really struggled in getting pregnant and I just sit here and whine about it. At any rate, we are thinking this will be the last one with all of the pains and problems that accompany me being pregnant, but seeing as how I will be 12 weeks this week, I figured I might as well post about it for those of you whom I haven't told yet or who don't do Facebook (which I don't think there are many of you, but here you go!) So, I am preggers- wish me luck!!!


Zoey said...

Yaaaaaay!!! Well, yay for having a third one but not for being sick and the aches and pains. :( Can't wait to see some prego pics! I don't think we've said it yet so CONGRATULATIONS to you, Shawn and the kids!

AmyLyn said...

Congratulations! So excited for y'all!

Kate said...

My thoughts are with you. I think pregnancy is hard for most everyone. It's true that some have it really bad (this last one with Lizzy was really scary at times when we worried we might lose her and I had to be admitted to the hospital at 31.5 weeks), but even the "easy" pregnancies take their toll. Are you going to find out the gender or let it be a surprise?

Ruth said...

Congratulation! So, I was sitting at the breakfast table this morning, thinking of you and wondering how you were doing (maybe I should get a Facebook account afterall), and thinking it had been a long time since you she pregnant? Then I got to wondering how old Abby is and what your plans would end up being...and here you go!

I hate being pregnant too. Not that I am right now...I'm just saying I empathize. Or sympathize. I still don't have those figured out.

Okay, I'm done rambling. Love you guys!

Shanna Hartzell said...

You can do it mama! And I will never judge you for whining! I know pregnancy is rough!

Liz said...

Yea for you guys!! That is so exciting - and I am totally with you on the whole prego thing. It is hard on me - and on others...!

We thought we were done after 3 though, but were surprised with #4! Three was crazy, but four felt perfect. Somehow he completed the family. It's amazing how everything works out, huh? We are excited for you guys. And don't worry, the pregnancy will eventually end - I remember feeling like it would. never. end. ever!!! Especially the first few months - they feel like a lifetime, particularly when you don't feel well...

Your kids look so happy and you guys are such awesome parents! I just love the Church Comic - he should sell them! Say hi to all!