Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sorry, it's been a while!

Just thought I would catch you all up on life for us-
Last week we got a dog, he is a West Highland Terrier Mix and his name is Angus (or Mungus, since that is what Lucas called him that first day) He is really cute and we only paid $10 for him, but have now spent over $300 on him, getting supplies and taking him to the vet. Can you believe that I finally found a dog that I am not allergic to, and he has allergies?!
Well, I don't have a lot of time for doing this, but I just wanted to let you guys know, and I will put up a picture of him soon, although he currently has a rash on his neck and is wearing a cone, so the picture won't do him much justice!
Lots of love to you all!


Cazier Craziness said...

I hear dogs are like having another kid. My kids want to get a dog, but I do not want to take care of another "kid" right now. Congrats. Dogs are so much fun and so cute. can't wait to see a picture.