Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Kids Say the Cutest Things!

Conversation with Abby:
Query: "Abby, what color are your eyes?"
Answer: "Weasel" (They are really Hazel)

Conversation with Lucas:
"Mommy is going to be taking the Pontiac to work today, so you guys have the Honda"
"But I want to ride in the Pony-ack"

"Are you my Princess?"
"Are you my sweetie pie?"
"Are you my Good girl?"
"Well, then, what are you?"
"I'm just Abby!"

Additional note, this isn't from now, it is from this past spring when I tried to potty train Abby:
"Don't you want to be a big girl, or do you want to be a baby?"
"I'm just Abby (tears stream down her cheeks) I just want to be Abby!"

Last week, for whatever reason, Lucas kept referring to himself in the third person:
"Lucas wants that toy--Lucas needs to go potty--Lucas is thirsty" It was cute at first, but then it started to drive me crazy, and now he has Abby doing it!

Well, that is enough for now. I will try to do a "Kids say the Cutest Things" on a regular basis, but it is hard because sometimes I forget what they said . . .


Cazier Craziness said...

I love all the funny things kids say. Sometimes it's so hard to not outright laugh at them when they say something funny. Especially when they are in trouble. I really have to hold it back then.

Unknown said...

Hey. I have a webpage/blog now too!!!! Come visit me at:

and at:

I just wanted to send you these links. Feel free to email me at to let me know you got this post!

Ruth said...

So cute! Go for you for writing them down before you've forgotten them. I really hope I can do that when Princess M starts talking.

A couple posts ago you mentioned how you don't really have a swimsuit, because you prefer to wear shorts and tees. You might be interested in checking out:
I've had my eye on these for a couple years now. After a skin cancer scare (similar to the one you had our Freshman year) and stretch marks that go down to my knees, these seem perfect. They're definitely on the pricey side. Christmas or birthday present from parents maybe? Tell me what you think.