Thursday, October 11, 2007

A book I think everyone who checks here should read

Okay everyone, I am not just going to post pictures of my kids on this. I thought that I might share some of my scintillating thoughts on various and sundry topics, sound okay? So, I would like to recommend to all of you.
Ok, for the girls, in case you haven't heard of this, it is my new favorite book of all time, but guys just don't understand it- it is called "Twilight" and is written by Stephenie Meyer- it is completely awesome and so are it's sequels, although the first is my favorite- I don't care what kind of books you normally read, just give it a try, I completely fell in love with it!
For everyone (and by everyone I mean both the male and female varieties) you HAVE to read this book called "Mistborn" it is written by Brandon Sanderson and is a fantasy book, but don't let that turn you off from it. I am not a big fantasy reader and I loved it!! It is also the first in a trilogy, the second just came out last month and in the acknowledgments part of it, he mentions Shawn!!! That's right, we know a REAL published author and it is in the world market, too, not just the LDS one!
Ok, those are my plugs- read and enjoy!


SimplyGigi said...

Hey Christi, this is Gigi (Harrison) Shreeve. I found your blog through Shelley's (who I found through Heidi's who.....swallowed the spider to catch the fly). Your kids are so cute! Hope you are well!

Oh and I've read Twilight and I loved it!

Christi said...

Gigi!!!! it is so great to hear from you--it's been what, over five years? Send me your e-mail and, if you have a blog, your site! I'm so happy to have heard from you, my e-mail is write to me and let me know about your life!!!

Cazier Craziness said...

I read all three books in like two weeks. I love them. So good! Can't wait till the fourth comes out.